Accelerated Wealth

Accelerated Wealth

Friday, October 22, 2010


This week has been awesome.  I have held 3 "Become Your Own Banker" workshops.  Very successful and promising to others.  It has given some hope that has been lost with all the market loss and it has brought back a way to save for our purchases.

Most of us have been guilty of buying something on credit and our only concern is how much does this cost me monthly.  We do not stop and think how long we pay for something and how we are paying for two of the same thing.  Think of your 30 year mortgage, we end up buying our house and the lending company a house.  So why don't you learn how to buy one for yourself and the rest of the money goes into your account not the lending institutions account.

Just a few things to think of.  Did you know most couples fight about finances and the number one cause for divorce is money?  Why is that?  Learn how a system can keep you from having one less thing to fight about.

I hear from many of my clients, "Thank you for showing me this.  Now my kids won't have the struggles we have if they will learn to do this."  I have also had clients say, "Thank you for not giving up on us."  Take an hour to find out what can help you for years down the road.  We have to start changing our own way of thinking to change our personal economy.  We have seen the "traditional" way of thinking and how it works.

We have all hear the definition of INSANITY - keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.  Is this you?  Does it have to be you?  Do you have a choice?

Call me today!

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