This week has been awesome. I have held 3 "Become Your Own Banker" workshops. Very successful and promising to others. It has given some hope that has been lost with all the market loss and it has brought back a way to save for our purchases.
Most of us have been guilty of buying something on credit and our only concern is how much does this cost me monthly. We do not stop and think how long we pay for something and how we are paying for two of the same thing. Think of your 30 year mortgage, we end up buying our house and the lending company a house. So why don't you learn how to buy one for yourself and the rest of the money goes into your account not the lending institutions account.
Just a few things to think of. Did you know most couples fight about finances and the number one cause for divorce is money? Why is that? Learn how a system can keep you from having one less thing to fight about.
I hear from many of my clients, "Thank you for showing me this. Now my kids won't have the struggles we have if they will learn to do this." I have also had clients say, "Thank you for not giving up on us." Take an hour to find out what can help you for years down the road. We have to start changing our own way of thinking to change our personal economy. We have seen the "traditional" way of thinking and how it works.
We have all hear the definition of INSANITY - keep doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Is this you? Does it have to be you? Do you have a choice?
Call me today!
"A good man leaveth an inheritance to His children's children; and the wealth of the sinner is laid up for the just." - Proverbs 13:22 What if you could recover the interest expenses you pay to finance cars or other major purchases? What if you could recover the “lost fortune” on the money you needlessly give to financial institutions? What if you could do this on a tax-free basis? If your is answer yes, then would you?
Accelerated Wealth

Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday, September 18, 2010
By Barry Page, RFC
"Learn How To Create Your Own Family Banking System Using the Infinite Banking Concept™ Imagine recapturing all the money you normally pay for your car, and recapturing all the interest you paid if you financed it. Imagine making the same profits as the banking institution that financed it. Picture your “bank” expanding as you create a system for finance for your family. See your branch banks growing as your family grows.
Infinite Banking teaches the process of using your current cash flow for finances versus traditional consumption of money methods. By integrating protection and wealth accumulation one can enhance their assets without creating additional liabilities.
How does it work? Think of it this way, if you had your own grocery store would you buy groceries from a competitor’s store? If you owned your own bank, would you borrow money from a competitor’s bank? Most people agree that if you own a business, it makes sense to fully utilize that business and all its assets for not only your business but also for your personal needs. Yet that is not generally what happens especially when we make significant purchases such as cars, equipment, and homes.
By following some simple steps you can use available savings and cash flow to build your own “bank”. You can finance things you buy through your own “bank” with loans from your “bank” to you. You then repay your “bank” exactly the same way as you would repay the financial institution you would use otherwise. Building a system of banks increases your personal wealth.
Consider this, “We finance everything that we buy.” We either pay interest or we give up earning interest. Here’s the problem, the average American pays 34.5 cents of every disposable dollar to interest! And, we are not saving enough money. Currently the American savings rate is near its’ lowest in history, comparable to what it was during the Great Depression. Yet, most people are more concerned about earning interest than paying interest. Even if we were saving 10% of our income (the U.S. average is less than 3%), that would mean that our ratio of paying interest to saving is 3 to 1. Rather than fighting a head wind, wouldn’t it make more sense to create our own perpetual tailwind?
You can using the Infinite Banking Concept™. Though this concept has been around as long as the process of arbitrage, Nelson Nash was the first to explain in it in an easy to read book, Becoming Your Own Banker™. The book details how anyone can create their own banking system using ordinary, dividend paying, whole-life insurance.
While the book has it’s skeptics, and some naysayers have even called it a scam, the process is undeniable. You will need a coach, preferably a qualified life insurance agent that practices the Infinite Banking Concept™ themselves. Don’t expect to buy life insurance direct from the company, or ask the home office how the process works, they won’t know.
So, if you are tired of paying your hard earned money to the banks and financial institutions, and you want to recapture this interest and deposit it into your own bank, then read the book. You’ll learn the basics, see lots of examples of how you can use the concept, and understand what it means to be an “honest banker.”
You can purchase the book Becoming Your Own Banker™ here:
Stop Paying Interest and Start Earning Interest Now! The possibilities are infinite…"
"Learn How To Create Your Own Family Banking System Using the Infinite Banking Concept™ Imagine recapturing all the money you normally pay for your car, and recapturing all the interest you paid if you financed it. Imagine making the same profits as the banking institution that financed it. Picture your “bank” expanding as you create a system for finance for your family. See your branch banks growing as your family grows.
Infinite Banking teaches the process of using your current cash flow for finances versus traditional consumption of money methods. By integrating protection and wealth accumulation one can enhance their assets without creating additional liabilities.
How does it work? Think of it this way, if you had your own grocery store would you buy groceries from a competitor’s store? If you owned your own bank, would you borrow money from a competitor’s bank? Most people agree that if you own a business, it makes sense to fully utilize that business and all its assets for not only your business but also for your personal needs. Yet that is not generally what happens especially when we make significant purchases such as cars, equipment, and homes.
By following some simple steps you can use available savings and cash flow to build your own “bank”. You can finance things you buy through your own “bank” with loans from your “bank” to you. You then repay your “bank” exactly the same way as you would repay the financial institution you would use otherwise. Building a system of banks increases your personal wealth.
Consider this, “We finance everything that we buy.” We either pay interest or we give up earning interest. Here’s the problem, the average American pays 34.5 cents of every disposable dollar to interest! And, we are not saving enough money. Currently the American savings rate is near its’ lowest in history, comparable to what it was during the Great Depression. Yet, most people are more concerned about earning interest than paying interest. Even if we were saving 10% of our income (the U.S. average is less than 3%), that would mean that our ratio of paying interest to saving is 3 to 1. Rather than fighting a head wind, wouldn’t it make more sense to create our own perpetual tailwind?
You can using the Infinite Banking Concept™. Though this concept has been around as long as the process of arbitrage, Nelson Nash was the first to explain in it in an easy to read book, Becoming Your Own Banker™. The book details how anyone can create their own banking system using ordinary, dividend paying, whole-life insurance.
While the book has it’s skeptics, and some naysayers have even called it a scam, the process is undeniable. You will need a coach, preferably a qualified life insurance agent that practices the Infinite Banking Concept™ themselves. Don’t expect to buy life insurance direct from the company, or ask the home office how the process works, they won’t know.
So, if you are tired of paying your hard earned money to the banks and financial institutions, and you want to recapture this interest and deposit it into your own bank, then read the book. You’ll learn the basics, see lots of examples of how you can use the concept, and understand what it means to be an “honest banker.”
You can purchase the book Becoming Your Own Banker™ here:
Stop Paying Interest and Start Earning Interest Now! The possibilities are infinite…"
Friday, September 3, 2010
Choices and Handy Downs
Fall is in the air. I love this time of year, but I dread winter because it is the next season and I am not a big fan of cold or snow. I have learned to deal with it because there is no other choice.
That brings up an interesting word: CHOICE. Many times we feel we do not have a CHOICE! Many times we are "stuck" doing what we are doing because we make the CHOICE to continue doing the same ol' thing. Whether you make the CHOICE to do what you have always done (regardless if it's working) or because you do not know there are other CHOICES out there, it is your CHOICE.
With this in mind, you have a CHOICE to continue listening to the financial gurus (which have guided us right where we are today). Do you realize your financial planner gets paid on your account regardless if you lose money or make money? Do you really think they have your best interest at heart? I am willing to bet you have heard the phrase, "Don't move it because it will come back." Of course they want you stay right where you are because they do not want to lose your account and the money they make regardless of you making money. I agree it will come back, (When? That's the million dollar ??? You might have a better chance to get out your crystal ball). Did you know history repeats itself? Meaning it's going to "fall" again. Why continue knowing the risk????
With all that in mind, do you want to continue to "play" the market? Gotta love that word "play" because that might mean someone is "playing" with YOUR money. Why not learn to control your own money, therefore not caring if the market falls.
Let's look at this put money away with the hopes your money "plays" at a great return than when you bought. Have your thought of - if you are buying something someone is making money off of you? You sell it to you neighbor next door, you made money off of him, correct? Then he sells it to his neighbor next door and makes money, which turns around to sell it to you, but you are smarter than your neighbors and you say no because you bought it a lower price and do not have anyone to sell too. Oh boy, the neighbor is upset because he just got stuck with it and has no way to sell it because no one is going to buy it. Who just got the loss? Now what is it valued at now? How is this any different than the market? No one wants to buy it (stocks and bonds) because they have already had it and made a profit.
Another great analogy is when you have a family, a big family with lots of kids, the younger always gets the handy downs correct? Wouldn't you want to be the oldest child because the clothes and shoes will be new and when your younger sibling are done with the clothes or shoes are they worth anything? Are you starting to understand?
Now your CHOICE is to continue doing what you are doing "HOPING" for a change or you can take action and "MAKE" a change. Call me today and let's sit down and discover how to make a CHOICE for the better.
Cassie Elder
That brings up an interesting word: CHOICE. Many times we feel we do not have a CHOICE! Many times we are "stuck" doing what we are doing because we make the CHOICE to continue doing the same ol' thing. Whether you make the CHOICE to do what you have always done (regardless if it's working) or because you do not know there are other CHOICES out there, it is your CHOICE.
With this in mind, you have a CHOICE to continue listening to the financial gurus (which have guided us right where we are today). Do you realize your financial planner gets paid on your account regardless if you lose money or make money? Do you really think they have your best interest at heart? I am willing to bet you have heard the phrase, "Don't move it because it will come back." Of course they want you stay right where you are because they do not want to lose your account and the money they make regardless of you making money. I agree it will come back, (When? That's the million dollar ??? You might have a better chance to get out your crystal ball). Did you know history repeats itself? Meaning it's going to "fall" again. Why continue knowing the risk????
With all that in mind, do you want to continue to "play" the market? Gotta love that word "play" because that might mean someone is "playing" with YOUR money. Why not learn to control your own money, therefore not caring if the market falls.
Let's look at this put money away with the hopes your money "plays" at a great return than when you bought. Have your thought of - if you are buying something someone is making money off of you? You sell it to you neighbor next door, you made money off of him, correct? Then he sells it to his neighbor next door and makes money, which turns around to sell it to you, but you are smarter than your neighbors and you say no because you bought it a lower price and do not have anyone to sell too. Oh boy, the neighbor is upset because he just got stuck with it and has no way to sell it because no one is going to buy it. Who just got the loss? Now what is it valued at now? How is this any different than the market? No one wants to buy it (stocks and bonds) because they have already had it and made a profit.
Another great analogy is when you have a family, a big family with lots of kids, the younger always gets the handy downs correct? Wouldn't you want to be the oldest child because the clothes and shoes will be new and when your younger sibling are done with the clothes or shoes are they worth anything? Are you starting to understand?
Now your CHOICE is to continue doing what you are doing "HOPING" for a change or you can take action and "MAKE" a change. Call me today and let's sit down and discover how to make a CHOICE for the better.
Cassie Elder
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Nelson Nash
Had an awesome weekend! Got to meet Nelson Nash and listen to his knowledge. He's 79 years old and the wealth of knowledge he has! I would love to spend a week just learning what he's got there in his memory. It's amazing his outlook on life and finances.
I can't imagine if we would have listened to these types of people instead of the "educated" gurus. Maybe we wouldn't be in this type of economy! Maybe peoples retirement would not have incurred a loss. Maybe we as the people would have a better financial situation too.
Can you imagine to actually have money BEFORE you buy something? Can you imagine not financing through a lender and financing through yourself??? Can you imagine having money even when you think it's spent? WHAT you say? Yep this can happen if you actually know how to work a vehicle you may already have.
Your need for finance is greater than your need for protection! Call me today and I can explain more.
I can't imagine if we would have listened to these types of people instead of the "educated" gurus. Maybe we wouldn't be in this type of economy! Maybe peoples retirement would not have incurred a loss. Maybe we as the people would have a better financial situation too.
Can you imagine to actually have money BEFORE you buy something? Can you imagine not financing through a lender and financing through yourself??? Can you imagine having money even when you think it's spent? WHAT you say? Yep this can happen if you actually know how to work a vehicle you may already have.
Your need for finance is greater than your need for protection! Call me today and I can explain more.
Friday, August 20, 2010
Had the workshop and with all August has going on the attendance was down compared to previous, but still people came and was educated. It was interesting the comments from the attending people.
"Wow, why didn't we know about this earlier?"
"How sad to have lost so much in the market when there is something that can build so quickly and without the risk."
"Why don't all people want to come and listen?"
"I need to have by brother and his wife come."
"I can use this with my business? This is perfect for buying my equipment and having a cash flow system."
Just a few comments others have said after the workshop or their appointment. INCREDIBLE is what I like to use.
If you want to see just how INCREDIBLE this is call me today! 719-469-1240
"Wow, why didn't we know about this earlier?"
"How sad to have lost so much in the market when there is something that can build so quickly and without the risk."
"Why don't all people want to come and listen?"
"I need to have by brother and his wife come."
"I can use this with my business? This is perfect for buying my equipment and having a cash flow system."
Just a few comments others have said after the workshop or their appointment. INCREDIBLE is what I like to use.
If you want to see just how INCREDIBLE this is call me today! 719-469-1240
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
The only economy we can control is our household economy...
What better way to learn to control your own economy! Today people's biggest fear is no longer speaking in front of a crowd, but the number one fear today for adults: OUTLIVING THEIR RETIREMENTS! Many of the retired people who have taken big hits in the market are going back to work because their retirements are losing and are still at risk! Sad! Did you know you don't have to put your principle at risk? Did you know you could learn how to build your OWN bank and control where your money goes? Why just sit there and you have that much time? Even if you do have that much time WHY would you continue to lose when you could continue to gain?????
Here at Accelerated Wealth in La Junta, we are gearing up for another workshop for people who are interested in a "new" look on finances, retirement, & building their own bank. This will be August 19th at Thyme Square in La Junta, CO. We are holding two workshops to accommodate peoples schedules. The first being at 12:00 Noon and it will be done in 1 hour and the second held at 5:30 pm. Dinner or lunch is on me! If you would be interested in coming to be educated on a concept that has been around for a long time (at least 100 years), but not utilized to the potential then I encourage you to come. I will need you to call me at 719-469-1240 to get a reservation because space is limited, please do not just show up. We have been booking up and filling the room in previous workshops.
The people in the previous workshops who have come & seen this are excited to discover a better way to get a tax advantage, learn to finance themselves, and pass it on to their heirs TAX-FREE! This is not a's a marathon, but well worth crossing the finish line!
I have heard from many clients or people who have come to see this...I wished I would have known about this 10 or 20 years ago, my retirement would be so different right now. I personally wished I would have known about this myself even 4 years ago, when I left the county I would have rolled my 401k into this and 1. would not have had to worry about another loss, 2. would not have worried about taxes, and 3. would not have paid off debt without going through myself FIRST. I wished I would have been told about this before because our lives would have been different too. The great part - it's NOT too late, because it can still work! You have to make the first step and choice to educate yourself.
If neither of these times work for you, call me - I would be glad to show you one on one. There is no obligation to look. It may or may not be for you. BUT you will not know unless you check it out.
Again the workshop lunch or dinner is: August 19th
At: Thyme Square, :La Junta, CO
Times: 12:00 noon or 5:30 pm
Call: 719-469-1240 for your reservations
Please due to the limited space adults only.
Here at Accelerated Wealth in La Junta, we are gearing up for another workshop for people who are interested in a "new" look on finances, retirement, & building their own bank. This will be August 19th at Thyme Square in La Junta, CO. We are holding two workshops to accommodate peoples schedules. The first being at 12:00 Noon and it will be done in 1 hour and the second held at 5:30 pm. Dinner or lunch is on me! If you would be interested in coming to be educated on a concept that has been around for a long time (at least 100 years), but not utilized to the potential then I encourage you to come. I will need you to call me at 719-469-1240 to get a reservation because space is limited, please do not just show up. We have been booking up and filling the room in previous workshops.
The people in the previous workshops who have come & seen this are excited to discover a better way to get a tax advantage, learn to finance themselves, and pass it on to their heirs TAX-FREE! This is not a's a marathon, but well worth crossing the finish line!
I have heard from many clients or people who have come to see this...I wished I would have known about this 10 or 20 years ago, my retirement would be so different right now. I personally wished I would have known about this myself even 4 years ago, when I left the county I would have rolled my 401k into this and 1. would not have had to worry about another loss, 2. would not have worried about taxes, and 3. would not have paid off debt without going through myself FIRST. I wished I would have been told about this before because our lives would have been different too. The great part - it's NOT too late, because it can still work! You have to make the first step and choice to educate yourself.
If neither of these times work for you, call me - I would be glad to show you one on one. There is no obligation to look. It may or may not be for you. BUT you will not know unless you check it out.
Again the workshop lunch or dinner is: August 19th
At: Thyme Square, :La Junta, CO
Times: 12:00 noon or 5:30 pm
Call: 719-469-1240 for your reservations
Please due to the limited space adults only.
Friday, August 6, 2010
Infinite Banking Concept:
Infinite Banking Concept:
- Generate a Rock Solid Retirement – Buying the cars, real estate, equipment, etc.
- Create a TAX-FREE retirement income!
- Eliminate the stomach-churning twist and turns of the markets.
- Redirect your Principal and Interest to YOUR FAMILY BANK!
- Get guaranteed upside growth with ZERO downside risk
- In most states it can Lawyer-proof your assets. Is your industry prone to lawsuits?
Does your retirement do this? You might want to check out what more you can do for your retirement and better way of life!
Pro Athletes
So you think you are above the thought of looking at this? the link above because the professional football players have a paradigm shift and are working or have worked with Accelerated Wealth. Listen to Will Witherspoon of the St. Louis Rams explain. Read the comment below this video when you are finished watching this short 5 minute video.
Are you going to let something this sensational pass by. Maybe or maybe not. It's been said, "Doing nothing is a choice." Are you going to choose to do nothing?
Call me today, 719-469-1240.
So you think you are above the thought of looking at this? the link above because the professional football players have a paradigm shift and are working or have worked with Accelerated Wealth. Listen to Will Witherspoon of the St. Louis Rams explain. Read the comment below this video when you are finished watching this short 5 minute video.
Are you going to let something this sensational pass by. Maybe or maybe not. It's been said, "Doing nothing is a choice." Are you going to choose to do nothing?
Call me today, 719-469-1240.
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Why should you think like a bank? Now that sounds like a crazy question, but let me tell you why. That's where all the money is! Ok sounds goofy I know, but it is the truth.
Have you ever heard of Walt Disney? What about the Boettcher Scholarship? This is just a few of the people who have the idea and were able to leave a legacy.
Have you ever wanted the feeling of walking into the bank and getting the amount of money you need without any loan application, no credit check, and qualifying for the amount your want not what you qualify for? Maybe taking about one hour of your time would help you understand this is possible. Are you willing to take the time to educate yourself?
Call me today to schedule an appointment. Find out if you can begin to leave a legacy and build up your own bank. 719-469-1240
Have you ever heard of Walt Disney? What about the Boettcher Scholarship? This is just a few of the people who have the idea and were able to leave a legacy.
Have you ever wanted the feeling of walking into the bank and getting the amount of money you need without any loan application, no credit check, and qualifying for the amount your want not what you qualify for? Maybe taking about one hour of your time would help you understand this is possible. Are you willing to take the time to educate yourself?
Call me today to schedule an appointment. Find out if you can begin to leave a legacy and build up your own bank. 719-469-1240
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Welcome and enjoy
Thanks for stopping by! Take a minute to check out the video on here. Remember this is a work in progress and thanks for the support.
God Bless and have a wonderful day.
God Bless and have a wonderful day.
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Excited to begin
I am so excited to begin this new adventure of blogging. I have thought for many months on doing this, but wasn't quit sure of how to do this. Thanks to the mission trip and Derek Hutchison for showing me how simple this really can be.
Here is a little about me, I have an accounting degree from SW Oklahoma State University in which. I graduated in 1993. I got married had my beautiful daughter, Rileigh. I was married for two years too long, and Rileigh and I moved back to Colorado in October 1994. It has been one of the greatest things to happen to me! Rileigh and I found the best man in the whole world! Married Brian Elder January 1997! Been the best 13 almost 14 years of my life (actually almost 16 years with dating). Brian and I had our favorite son, Daylon in August 1997. We have been through 20 to 25 surgeries with Daylon and with God's grace we have seen Daylon blossom into a young man.
I have so much information I want to put on here, but will do it slowing over the next few weeks. I am so excited what my business is doing for so many of my clients that I want to share this people who may not live close by.
I realize this is "new" to most people, but this concept has been around over 200 years. I will explain in the following weeks just how I come about doing this. I had worked for Bent County for 13 years and was beginning to have migraine after migraine. I was spending so much time either at the doctor or home and was missing work more than I ever had. I was getting "block" shots every 2 or 3 months to block the nerves trying to prevent migraines. I am proud to say since I no longer work for the county I have not had one migraine. Thank you God!
I was not really looking to leave the county, but my health was concerning me and the budget. I told Brian I am working to pay for my migraines now. I had an opportunity to leave the county and after much thought because I liked my job and enjoyed my co-workers. I had an awesome boss, Guy Wagner, who I still admire and feel he and his wife Caroline are like second family to me and my family. It was a hard decision, but I am glad to have the opportunity I have.
Now understand I have wondered at times if I made the right decision, but we have had family issues that I am so thankful and very blessed to not have to worry about being fired as we were dealing with them. I have a mobile office at times and really enjoy that as well. I also have had the opportunity to work with my clients who I have enjoyed plus love the strategy thinking I now do.
I really enjoy going to work! I love to help people meet their goals and make their lives better. I get the chance to help people leave legacies and pass this on to their children or desired beneficiaries. It is just the beginning and look forward to working with each of you!
Here is a little about me, I have an accounting degree from SW Oklahoma State University in which. I graduated in 1993. I got married had my beautiful daughter, Rileigh. I was married for two years too long, and Rileigh and I moved back to Colorado in October 1994. It has been one of the greatest things to happen to me! Rileigh and I found the best man in the whole world! Married Brian Elder January 1997! Been the best 13 almost 14 years of my life (actually almost 16 years with dating). Brian and I had our favorite son, Daylon in August 1997. We have been through 20 to 25 surgeries with Daylon and with God's grace we have seen Daylon blossom into a young man.
I have so much information I want to put on here, but will do it slowing over the next few weeks. I am so excited what my business is doing for so many of my clients that I want to share this people who may not live close by.
I realize this is "new" to most people, but this concept has been around over 200 years. I will explain in the following weeks just how I come about doing this. I had worked for Bent County for 13 years and was beginning to have migraine after migraine. I was spending so much time either at the doctor or home and was missing work more than I ever had. I was getting "block" shots every 2 or 3 months to block the nerves trying to prevent migraines. I am proud to say since I no longer work for the county I have not had one migraine. Thank you God!
I was not really looking to leave the county, but my health was concerning me and the budget. I told Brian I am working to pay for my migraines now. I had an opportunity to leave the county and after much thought because I liked my job and enjoyed my co-workers. I had an awesome boss, Guy Wagner, who I still admire and feel he and his wife Caroline are like second family to me and my family. It was a hard decision, but I am glad to have the opportunity I have.
Now understand I have wondered at times if I made the right decision, but we have had family issues that I am so thankful and very blessed to not have to worry about being fired as we were dealing with them. I have a mobile office at times and really enjoy that as well. I also have had the opportunity to work with my clients who I have enjoyed plus love the strategy thinking I now do.
I really enjoy going to work! I love to help people meet their goals and make their lives better. I get the chance to help people leave legacies and pass this on to their children or desired beneficiaries. It is just the beginning and look forward to working with each of you!
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